Programação – Ementas


Global Convention on Heathy Diets – Latin America on the way foward (Necessário inscrição especial)

Diseases related to unhealthy diets are responsible for 11 million deaths per year and their impact is increasing in high, middle and low income countries. Despite a growing international attention, no country has been able to successfully reverse the obesity epidemic or reverse the effects of unhealthy diet on others NCDs. In order to do so, the ability to implement effective public health measures must be assured. The establishment of a Global Convention to protect and support healthy diets, similar to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), would provide the needed robust support. National governments need support to defend public health interests against the powerful commercial interests of large transnational companies promoting unhealthy ultraprocessed ​​food and drink products. A global legally binding Convention would help to strengthen food sovereignty of all countries, including those most disadvantaged.
CLAS – Healthy Latin America Coalition, and an increasing number of organizations and experts believe that a global convention is needed to deal with the international scale of this crisis and cross-border issues as marketing, labeling and availabity of ultraprocessed ​​products that contribute to increase the obesity and NCD epidemic worldwide.
This side meeting will discuss what such Convention could address, current support,including that of South America‘s Minister of Health, and steps to move forward, as well as other related international recommendations on the subject, such as the „Action Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in Children and Adolescents” of the Pan American Health Organization among other recomendations and strategies.
CLAS is an alliance of over 200 non-governmental organizations in Latin America. Founded in March 2011, it is aimed at reducing inequality, promoting human rights, and promote effective policies with an impact on risk factors and determinants of NCDs and if the regional NCD Alliance. Its members include academic medical societies, patient organizations, health NGOs, consumer NGOs and religious bodies.

17h15 às 17h45 – Initial points of view: „Why a global convention on healthy diets is necessary?”
17h45 às 18h30 – Questions and Discussion


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